Suport për biznesin tuaj

Merrni ndihmë për rritjen e pranishmërisë online.

Rritni ndjekësit tuaj

Merrni më shumë ndjekës dhe angazhim në rrjetet sociale.

Zhvilloni faqen tuaj të internetit me paketet tona.

Merrni mbështetje për telefonat tuaj.

Android ose IOS

Zhvillim faqesh
Mbështetje për telefonat

Suport për biznesin tuaj online

Ne ofrojmë mbështetje për rritjen e pranishmërisë tuaj online me like, shikime, komente dhe ndarje. Zgjidhni programet tona për faqet dhe telefonat tuaj.

A workspace featuring a whiteboard with a social media content schedule, organized by day and platform, using sticky notes in varying colors. A wooden table holds an open laptop displaying a social media management application, alongside pens and small circular items.
A workspace featuring a whiteboard with a social media content schedule, organized by day and platform, using sticky notes in varying colors. A wooden table holds an open laptop displaying a social media management application, alongside pens and small circular items.
Shërbim i shkëlqyer dhe efikas!



Shërbimet tona

Ofroni mbështetje për faqet tuaja me like, shikime, komente dhe ndarje për rritje.

A person holds a smartphone that displays a website in French offering a simple and effective solution for managing social networks. The smartphone screen shows vibrant colors including purple and red text, and the background features green leaves.
A person holds a smartphone that displays a website in French offering a simple and effective solution for managing social networks. The smartphone screen shows vibrant colors including purple and red text, and the background features green leaves.
A laptop sits on a wooden table in a room with a whiteboard on the wall. The whiteboard displays a social media content schedule with colored sticky notes under days of the week, planning posts for platforms like Twitter, TikTok, Instagram, and Facebook. The laptop screen shows a website related to social wall solutions.
A laptop sits on a wooden table in a room with a whiteboard on the wall. The whiteboard displays a social media content schedule with colored sticky notes under days of the week, planning posts for platforms like Twitter, TikTok, Instagram, and Facebook. The laptop screen shows a website related to social wall solutions.

Përmirësoni angazhimin e audiencës tuaj me shërbimet tona të mbështetjes online dhe menaxhimit.

Programet tona ndihmojnë në optimizimin e faqes suaj dhe rritjen e ndjekësve në rrjetet sociale.

Disa nga bashkëpunëtorët tanë

Suporti i shkëlqyer për rritjen e faqeve dhe telefonave, ndihmoi shumë në angazhimin tim online.

Arben H.

Two people are standing in front of a whiteboard that has a weekly schedule for social media content. The board is divided into sections for Twitter, TikTok, Instagram, and Facebook, with sticky notes indicating different content themes for each day of the week. One person is pointing at the board, while the other holds a red marker.
Two people are standing in front of a whiteboard that has a weekly schedule for social media content. The board is divided into sections for Twitter, TikTok, Instagram, and Facebook, with sticky notes indicating different content themes for each day of the week. One person is pointing at the board, while the other holds a red marker.
A hand holding a smartphone with an active social media profile page displayed on the screen. The page includes images of people, places, and objects in a grid layout typical of Instagram. The person has manicured nails and is wearing a ring.
A hand holding a smartphone with an active social media profile page displayed on the screen. The page includes images of people, places, and objects in a grid layout typical of Instagram. The person has manicured nails and is wearing a ring.
